Creamy sweet polenta with genepi panna cotta:

A traditional alpine dish, polenta is an original way to eat grain, as part of a varied diet. This corn meal is traditionally served as a purée with Savoie sausages (called diots). Make it different by presenting the polenta in squares for a more elegant dish, or with a recipe that uses products from Savoie and neighbouring Italy: Polenta, panna cotta and genepi:

Polenta recipe:

  • Preparation: 30 minutes
  • Cooking time: 15 minutes
  • Total: 45 minutes
  • Ingredients (serves 4)


For the sweet polenta:

  • 100g medium Express Polenta ALPINA Savoie
  • 600ml milk
  • 50g sugar
  • 50g Smryne golden raisins


For the panna cotta:

  • 250ml of cream (35% fat)
  • 250ml milk
  • 2 gelatine sheets
  • 30 g sugar
  • 20ml of Genepi
  • 30ml of Genepi syrup


The recipe

For the panna cotta: Bring the milk, cream, sugar and syrup to the boil. Leave to cool to warm, then add the gelatine and fragrance with Genepi. Pour the mixture into small glasses and leave to set in the fridge for a minimum of two hours. Once the panna cotta is set, start preparing the polenta.
For the sweet polenta: Bring the milk and sugar to the boil. Add the polenta. The mixture must be creamy and smooth. Cook for 15 minutes and then refrigerate.
Pour the creamy polenta over the panna cotta.
Garnish with raisins (which you can macerate in genepi beforehand).
Suggestion: serve with a spoon of Genepi hot chocolate.

Good to know

Known as "polente" (prounced "polinte") in Savoie, polenta is a traditional Savoie dish and also an Italian food. In other regions, corn meal has other names. Cooked with water or milk, it is often served with "diots" large Savoie pork sausages that are often stuffed with cabbage (called "pormoniers"). You can try diots with polenta at all the Savoie village festivals (as well as tartiflette and fondue).

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