Booking center

For information and reservation, please contact our booking center.

04 58 14 00 53 /

Open all year round

From Monday to Friday, from 9am to 12.30pm and from 1.30 to 5pm

Les Karellis Tourist Information Office Reception and information: +33 (0)4-79-59-50-36 Post office  Sale of ski insurance Sale of bus tickets Sale of trips and...
Four restaurants with something for every taste: Fast food: Le Karelcrock Savoyard restaurant: Le Mélèze On the slopes: Le Vinouva Pizzeria: La Kasa'Pizz...
All the essential shops and facilities are only a short walk from your accommodation! Les Karellis makes life easier. Why would you drive 30 kilometres on a mountain road for something...
A doctor's surgery is on-site for big and small injuries It's stressful to put a baby in the car on a snow-covered road just because he has a slight fever... At Les Karellis,...

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